

Since the introduction of the DIGITALPAPERS service, back in 2002, the ability to better adjust it to each event specific features has been one of the major assets valued by our clients.

We provide you two ways to achieve this customization:

STANDARD edition Limited Customization Package

After you upgrade your FREE edition to any of our STANDARD edition plans, you will have access to a five hour programming package which can be used to better adapt the system to your event specific requirements.

Here are some of the features that you can request with this limited customization package:

    • Import external data from local source (CSV, XLS or other format to discuss) such as an initial list of users (reviewers, authors, topic chairs, ….), topics, sessions, etc.
    • Add a field to the user account creation interface (simple, with no interaction)
    • Add a field to the document related interfaces (simple, with no interaction)
    • Add a field to the topic related interfaces (simple, with no interaction)
    • Add a field to the session related interfaces (simple, with no interaction)
    • Change some of the systems core designations such as the document states/phases, user roles or field names

You should note that:

    • The five hour programming package is the sole customization option available for the STANDARD edition. Additional programming hours for extra customization can be purchased for the remaining non-free editions (CUSTOM, CAMPUS/ENTERPRISE and SCIENTIFIC/ACADEMIC Publications)
    • This initial customization must be requested during the first 15 days after the system deployment/upgrade. After that period no other changes could be requested under the initial five hour customization package
    • Any customization request must be first analyzed by our team. We will then provide you with the estimated time consumption needed to fulfill the changes

Additional Customization (module)

The system is almost up to your expectations but there is an important feature missing? We can analyze and arrange that for you.

The Additional Customization module is available in the following DIGITALPAPERS editions: CUSTOM, CAMPUS/ENTERPRISE and SCIENTIFIC/ACADEMIC and can be used to request and achieve less complex features such as the examples listed for the previous package plus other additional developments:

    • Create additional management interfaces specifically for your event
    • Add features to the existing interfaces (more complex fields, user interaction allowed)
    • Include additional document states/phases in your event’s management processes (for organizational purposes only)
    • Add extra management roles with specific tasks assigned.

These and other additional features can be analyzed and achieved. Just give us a very precise description of what you pretend and, if it is validated as a safe and executable change to your system, we will provide you with an estimated development time measured in hours. If you agree with this estimation you’ll be able to confirm it and request the customization online by purchasing the correspondent programming hours.

Please contact us for additional information.

Customization in short terms

Customization Package:

  • Exclusive feature and sole customization option available for the STANDARD edition
  • 5 hours of development available for limited customization
  • Must be requested during the first 15 days after the system deployment
  • Any change request must be subject to prior analysis and estimation

Additional Customization Module:

  • Add-on available for the DIGITALPAPERS non-free editions (except STANDARD)
  • Achieve less complex features such as the examples listed for the previous package
  • Access to extended and more complex customization possibilities
  • Any change request must be subject to prior analysis and estimation
  • This add-on can be requested online (only after the change validation and estimation)